And her heart was red.
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Today my mum and my cousin and her family (with my two cute godchildren) arrive. Have to start packing for real since I'm moving in two days.
Hjärtat pumpar av nitroglycerin.
Oskar Linnros new album Vilja bli is the best thing I've heard in a long time. Great listening for summer nights. If you have spotify, listen to it here.
Meet me at the beach.
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I'm packing my stuff since I'm moving on Saturday. Both sad leaving the island and kind of fun getting back to Stockholm. Might go to a party tonight, the Gotland game award party, it's usually pretty fun.
All pics are linked, just click on them.
Had a great weekend. Dinner with my classmates on friday and then some dancing. I spent yesterday in bed reading Haruki Murakamis A wild sheep chase.
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I'm finally done with college. Now I'm a screenplay writer, pretty cool. Even though you can't call yourself a writer if you don't write and well actually have a job. I am without. But I'll keep writing fairytales for kids :D
We could fly.
Pics are linked, just click on them.
I had a great evening yesterday. Last party at the student pub with my classmates and friends. I'm moving in two weeks! Back to the capital, finally. But I'll try to enjoy my time here on the island where the sun shines almost every day.
Three more days in college and then I'm done! I'm ill btw, but happy anyway. Oh and I'm going to Finland in July and Malmö in June, tickets are booked!
I spent yesterday evening in a submarine. One of my old high school friends works there. Pretty cool. You don't get to eat pizza in a submarine that often. Too bad I wasn't allowed to take pics.
Hair update.
I grew tired of the ugly blonde hair I had, dyed it again, twice. Now it's some sort of red/blonde. I was hungry beyond control when I shot the pic, therefore, ignore the face ;)
I baked these today, need I say they're delicious?
My mum gave me these beautiful flowers from her garden on Sunday.
Minty dots.
Pics from the bed part of my apartment. I got my new sheets from h&m yesterday, they are lovely.
I was supposed to lighten my hair a little, but well now I'm blonde.
Ice cream, for real.
Had my first ice cream out in the sun today. Watermelon sorbet and vanilla cake batter.
My hair.
Looks like this now. Much lighter.
I'm kind of finished with my thesis! Time to celebrate. Shot this pic today for my thesis.
Pics are linked to their source.
It's pouring outside, no sun today. But let's put on some summery music and dream of lighter days. Oh and I made highlights in my hair yesterday.
Look at her.
<3 Massive Attack
One week left until I have to hand in my thesis, but I'd rather finish it before the weekend.